The other day as I was checking out a few friends on facebook an ad caught my attention. The ad had a photo of Oprah and Dr. Oz and claimed that the acai berry blend is Oprah's secret to staying slim and beautiful. I'm not a huge Oprah fan, and as for her being slim... well, enough said. But I do love Dr. Oz. So I followed the link, which took me to a site that offered a "Risk Free Trial" of the acai berry blend. I'm no dummy, so I knew there was a catch, but as I read through the terms and conditions I decided I didn't mind the obligation of having to call to cancel my automatic enrollment in the refill service. I just wanted to try it and see. So I agreed to pay my $4.95 for shipping and eagerly awaited my skinny in a bottle!
Fast forward a week >> I received my package in the mail! Hooray! I opened it and was surprised to find the bottle of pills, and a pack of Hoodia Gum and Hoodia Water. I thought to myself, "how nice, they sent more free trial stuff!" A little later I looked at the packing receipt... "Are you kidding me?" They sent me my trial offer, and then two other products, which they charged me for! The gum was $9.95 and the water was $29.95! My total was $44.85!
I figured maybe I'd overlooked something, so I went back to my order confirmation, no indication there. I returned to the website and reread the terms and conditions, which I believe to be unclear now (at the time I placed my order, I thought I completely understood what I was getting into). I tried calling the company first thing Monday morning and received an automated message that something to this effect, "Due to the volume of calls we are experiencing extended wait times; the extimated time until your call is answered is: 77 minutes 5 seconds."
At this point I have written two emails and a letter and am returning all products, unopened. In short: nothing is EVER free. Buyer BEWARE!
One more thing: this company has many slightly varying acai sites. The site I went to was
NIACW 600 Dune 2
3 days ago
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